Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

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Mensajes: 2218
Registrado: Sab Oct 20, 2012 9:14 pm

Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por krauser »

Parece que quiere hacer una reforma contra la desigualdad.


1. El capitalismo es mejor que el comunismo. Crea riqueza.
2. Pero hace falta regular...un poquito...Solo un poquito. Usted va a seguir siendo rico y millonario...Pero pague un poco de impuestos, para que todos podamos vivir un poquito mejor. Si vive muy bien con 100 millones de dolares al anho, va a seguir viviendo muy bien con 50...

Indice Gini entre 0,25 y 0,35. Esta bien.

Por cierto Obama, si te decidieras a ir a por las aseguradoras medicas y consiguieras sanidad para todos. Ya seria demasiado. Entonces realmente, en Europa volveriamos a ver USA como el buen pais que fue en su dia...En epoca de Rooselvelt...
gallo pinche
Mensajes: 505
Registrado: Sab Jul 20, 2013 7:53 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por gallo pinche »

Mire a Obama, y todo lo que propone suena bastante bonito, pero de dicho a echo hay un largo trecho. Los republicanos son la mayoria en el congreso y no aprobaran nada de lo que Obama a propuesto. Pura palabreria y al final terminaremos igual. Pero de cualquier modo, cada ves me inclino mas a votar Democrata en las sigueintes elecciones.
Última edición por gallo pinche el Mié Ene 21, 2015 4:11 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Mensajes: 2218
Registrado: Sab Oct 20, 2012 9:14 pm

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por krauser »

Y porque en el congreso son mas republicanos?...Son elecciones distintas?

Los republicanos son como los del PP en Espanha. Al parecer mas del 50% de la poblacion es millonaria...(ironic mode).

Que voten a los republicanos los millonarios de Apple, Microsoft, General Motors, me parece logico. Ahora, un pobre desgraciadillo que vote a estos que gobiernan para los ricos...Nunca lo entendere.

Espero que Obama cumpla, y que los democratas viren a una politico como un Roosselvelt.

Creo que ahora a los que pagaron los creditos de la universidad los van a perdonar....Espero que los politicos se den cuentan de que estan ahogando a su poblacion.
gallo pinche
Mensajes: 505
Registrado: Sab Jul 20, 2013 7:53 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por gallo pinche »

Si son elecciones distintas, creo que la mayoria la ganaron los republicanos en Septiembre.......... La razon por la que mucho pobre diablo vota republicano es la ignorancia, junta con la propaganda que ciertos medios de informacion promueven. La libertad de expression nos permite decir muchas cosas, aun y no sean ciertas y tambien nos permite dar nuestras propias opiniones. Existen muchos medios que abusan de esta libertad y promueven propaganda y logran enganar al publico. Es la misma hitoria de nunca acabar, Fox News convenciendo a gente que votar contra sus propios intereses es de interes para nuestra economia y el pais entero
Mensajes: 2218
Registrado: Sab Oct 20, 2012 9:14 pm

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por krauser »

O sino, directamente, te llaman comunista.

La derecha siempre quiere quitar la educacion universitaria. Quiere gente ignorante y que sus hijos sean los unicos abogados, medicos, economistas del pais. Los hijos de los pobres, que sean como sus padres, sin oportunidad de prosperar, de saber, de comparar datos.

Se cargan la igualdad de oportunidades. Ellos mismos se cargan "el suenho americano"..
Mensajes: 988
Registrado: Sab Mar 31, 2012 9:21 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por Nicola »

En USA ya no necesitan llamarte directamente ''comunista'' como en aquellos tiempos de caza de brujas, ahora te llaman directamente ''socialista'' para estigmatizarte ante la podrida y corrupta sociedad estadounidense. Cuando yo cursé estudios universitarios en Daytona no podía hablar de los cambios sociales que estaban sucediendo en Venezuela porque a una sola voz la mayoría de mis compañeros ya me estaba tachando de socialista y allá para el gringo socialismo es igual a comunismo.

Y nunca habrán buenas noticias acerca de Obama, por mucho ''buen interes'' que ''finja'' por cambiar algunas cosas, las elecciones del Presidente en USA son de tercer grado (oh, en el gran pais de la democracia que quieren imponerle al mundo con bayoneta y metralla no hay elecciones directas), lo cual hace al Presidente un empleado de los lobbyes que lo catapultaron al poder... esto es debe pagar los favores recibidos por esos grupos económicos y políticos de poder, y tratar de cambiar el status quo en la tierra del Tio Sam sería enfrentarse a quienes precisamente lo entronizaron al cargo.

Eso lo trató de hacer J.F.K. y le costó la bala que le arrebató la vida, y que no fué precisamente disparada por el arma de Lee Harvey Oswald, period!
''I am the best. There is nobody better than me.''
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

Lista de Ignorados: Publicarla acarrea sanción, pero los mexican trollers saben quienes son, ah y dos trollitos argentinos, tambien saben quienes son xD
gallo pinche
Mensajes: 505
Registrado: Sab Jul 20, 2013 7:53 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por gallo pinche »

No seas mamaleon Nicola. Yo escribi un papel corto de persuacion en mi clase de literatura sobre la innigualdad social hace mucho tiempo y no tube ningun problama con nadie. es mas, creo que todavia lo tengo en mis files. aqui esta

Income inequality
Income Inequality in America is a harsh reality that we cannot continue to ignore. Over the last 4 decades, America’s super-rich have seen their incomes increase 11 times faster than middle-class families. Income inequality hits the core of American society, affects millions of people, and keeps our economy from reaching its full potential.

Over the last 4 decades we have seen the cost of living rise tremendously. Inflation is a common reality of a capitalist economy. However, the income of millions of Americans has remained stagnated, and the gap between the middle class and the rich has grown significantly wider. “from 1979 to 2007, the average middle class household income has nudged upward from 44,100 to 55,300; by contrast for the top 1% average household income soared from 346,600 in 1979 to nearly 1.3 million in 2007” ( Kroll, Andy. Opposing Viewpoints in Context).

Increasing cost of living and the stagnation of wages has forced millions of American households to have two bread winners, as a result, many women whom otherwise would have chosen to stay home and raise their families have been forced to join workforce.

America’s economy relies heavily on consumer spending. “Various economist have asserted that consumer spending accounts for between 40 and 70 percent of all economic activity in the United States” (Opposing Viewpoints online collection). This means that if more people had disposable income, they would consume more goods and services from local businesses, stimulating their local economies and creating jobs in the process.

Wealthy people are a very small percentage of the population and can only buy so much. Many of them put much of their money in foreign bank accounts. This practice affects the cycle of circulation of money in our economy. Thousands of businesses are negatively affected by this. On the other hand, if more people had more disposable income, they would spend it right back into their local businesses, or save it into their local banks. By doing this, local economies would prosper and local banks would have more money to lend for new business ventures.

Democrats propose raising taxes on the rich and giving more tax credits to the middle class. They also speak about allocating some of that tax money to create jobs for people. The president talks about fixing the country’s crumbling infrastructure and creating thousands of good paying jobs for Americans. He talks about subsidies that would help people obtain free college education. He believes that in order to create a new generation of American innovators and entrepreneurs, we must provide at least the first two years of college education for free. (USA Today, Jackson, D.)

Wouldn’t it be nice to have free college education? Propositions like this can level out the playing field between the poor and the rich. Families whom for generations have been trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty, would be able to break out, and their children could strive to do better without having to worry about the ugly repercussions of student debt. America could truly be the land of opportunity for all.

Republicans on the other hand, talk about cutting taxes for the wealthy and eliminating social programs. They believe that social programs are an unnecessary expense and a drain to our economy. They believe that allowing the rich to keep more of their money increases investment and creates jobs in the process. As stated in an article by Republican Views on Taxes “Republicans reject the use of taxation to redistribute income, fund unnecessary or ineffective programs, or foster the crony capitalism that corrupts both politicians and corporations.” They support making taxes “simple, transparent, flatter, and fair.” They dislike the convoluted nature of the current tax code, and the fact that it is nearly impossible for the average American to understand it. Republicans oppose retroactive taxation in all cases, as well as taxes that set the classes against one another, and divide Americans. They do not support the taxation of religious organizations, charities, and fraternal benevolent societies, and also believe that contributions to these organizations should be tax deductible.

Americans take pride in living in the land of opportunity, where you can “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” and succeed if you are willing to work hard enough. Millions work hard every day but sadly for many, hard work is not enough. Income inequality is putting a strain on millions of people and keeping our economy from growing. We must eradicate this problem and find a solution, only then will we live in a society with equal opportunities for all.
cuquin el balsero
Mensajes: 4104
Registrado: Mié Sep 12, 2012 2:21 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por cuquin el balsero »

gallo pinche escribió:No seas mamaleon Nicola. Yo escribi un papel corto de persuacion en mi clase de literatura sobre la innigualdad social hace mucho tiempo y no tube ningun problama con nadie. es mas, creo que todavia lo tengo en mis files. aqui esta

Income inequality
Income Inequality in America is a harsh reality that we cannot continue to ignore. Over the last 4 decades, America’s super-rich have seen their incomes increase 11 times faster than middle-class families. Income inequality hits the core of American society, affects millions of people, and keeps our economy from reaching its full potential.

Over the last 4 decades we have seen the cost of living rise tremendously. Inflation is a common reality of a capitalist economy. However, the income of millions of Americans has remained stagnated, and the gap between the middle class and the rich has grown significantly wider. “from 1979 to 2007, the average middle class household income has nudged upward from 44,100 to 55,300; by contrast for the top 1% average household income soared from 346,600 in 1979 to nearly 1.3 million in 2007” ( Kroll, Andy. Opposing Viewpoints in Context).

Increasing cost of living and the stagnation of wages has forced millions of American households to have two bread winners, as a result, many women whom otherwise would have chosen to stay home and raise their families have been forced to join workforce.

America’s economy relies heavily on consumer spending. “Various economist have asserted that consumer spending accounts for between 40 and 70 percent of all economic activity in the United States” (Opposing Viewpoints online collection). This means that if more people had disposable income, they would consume more goods and services from local businesses, stimulating their local economies and creating jobs in the process.

Wealthy people are a very small percentage of the population and can only buy so much. Many of them put much of their money in foreign bank accounts. This practice affects the cycle of circulation of money in our economy. Thousands of businesses are negatively affected by this. On the other hand, if more people had more disposable income, they would spend it right back into their local businesses, or save it into their local banks. By doing this, local economies would prosper and local banks would have more money to lend for new business ventures.

Democrats propose raising taxes on the rich and giving more tax credits to the middle class. They also speak about allocating some of that tax money to create jobs for people. The president talks about fixing the country’s crumbling infrastructure and creating thousands of good paying jobs for Americans. He talks about subsidies that would help people obtain free college education. He believes that in order to create a new generation of American innovators and entrepreneurs, we must provide at least the first two years of college education for free. (USA Today, Jackson, D.)

Wouldn’t it be nice to have free college education? Propositions like this can level out the playing field between the poor and the rich. Families whom for generations have been trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty, would be able to break out, and their children could strive to do better without having to worry about the ugly repercussions of student debt. America could truly be the land of opportunity for all.

Republicans on the other hand, talk about cutting taxes for the wealthy and eliminating social programs. They believe that social programs are an unnecessary expense and a drain to our economy. They believe that allowing the rich to keep more of their money increases investment and creates jobs in the process. As stated in an article by Republican Views on Taxes “Republicans reject the use of taxation to redistribute income, fund unnecessary or ineffective programs, or foster the crony capitalism that corrupts both politicians and corporations.” They support making taxes “simple, transparent, flatter, and fair.” They dislike the convoluted nature of the current tax code, and the fact that it is nearly impossible for the average American to understand it. Republicans oppose retroactive taxation in all cases, as well as taxes that set the classes against one another, and divide Americans. They do not support the taxation of religious organizations, charities, and fraternal benevolent societies, and also believe that contributions to these organizations should be tax deductible.

Americans take pride in living in the land of opportunity, where you can “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” and succeed if you are willing to work hard enough. Millions work hard every day but sadly for many, hard work is not enough. Income inequality is putting a strain on millions of people and keeping our economy from growing. We must eradicate this problem and find a solution, only then will we live in a society with equal opportunities for all.
gallo pinche,donde te metes hermano???
estas perdido del foro,se te extraña.
nice to read you bro',saludos.
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gallo pinche
Mensajes: 505
Registrado: Sab Jul 20, 2013 7:53 am

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por gallo pinche »

Saludos Cuquin
Mensajes: 2218
Registrado: Sab Oct 20, 2012 9:14 pm

Re: Buenas noticias sobre Obama.

Mensaje por krauser »

Gallo pinche, he entendido todo tu texto de la universidad en ingles.

PEro me pones a un negrata hablando y no pillo na, de na.