yyy.... donde quedamos parados en esta discusion pues??.... me perdi.
pasemosle el microfono a Heredia..
PIEGEL: This isn’t just an American problem?
Heredia: Are you kidding me? No. All countries, all federations, all top athletes are affected, and among those responsible are the big shoe companies like Nike and Adidas. I know athletes who broke records; a year later they were injured and they got the call: “We’re cutting your sponsorship money by 50 percent.” What do you think such athletes then do?
SPIEGEL: Is there doping at every level of athletics?
Heredia: Yes, the only difference is the quality of the doping. Athletes with little money use simple steroids and hope they don’t get tested. The stars earn 50,000 dollars a month, not including starting bonuses and shoe sponsorship contracts. The very best invest 100,000 dollars – I’ll then build you a designer drug that can’t be detected.
Estoy hablando de la actitud de Márquez para acallar los rumores.
claro a nivel general si, pero para los que vmeos mas alla (como ver a heredia inyectandose epo y jactandose de que engaño las pruebas olimpicas, y leer esto.
Do you have any other secrets?
Heredia: Oh yes, of course. There are tablets for the kidneys that block the metabolites of steroids, so when athletes give a urine sample, they don’t excrete the metabolites and thus test negative. Or there is an enzyme that slowly consumes proteins - epo has protein structures, and the enzyme thus ensures that the B sample of the doping test has a completely different value than the A sample. Then there are chemicals that you take a couple of hours before the race that prevent acidification in the muscles. Together with epo they are an absolute miracle.
I’ve created 20 different drugs that are still undetectable for the doping testers.
What did Greene, who denies having doped, get from you?
Heredia: IGF-1 and IGF-2, epo and ATP – that stands for adenosine triphosphate, which intensifies muscle contraction.
Undetectable for testers?
Undetectable. We’ve used ointments that do not leave any traces and that enable a consistently high testosterone level in athletes.
PIEGEL: Explain how this works.
Heredia: Designer drugs are composed of several different chemicals that trigger the desired reaction. At the end of the chain I change one or two molecules in such a way that the entire structure is undetectable for the doping testers.
comprenderas pues que su aceptacion es buena señal pero dificlmente definitiva.
y bueno creo que despues de esto no hay mas que alegar.